
Friday, September 26, 2014

England - week 7

Monday,Tuesday and Thursday - bookish days, with ballet and guides.

Wednesday was my bnirthday :) and to celebrate we went out with friends to Grimes Graves in Norfolk. It is a bit of a trek for us, but closer to our Suffolk friends, so primed for a good day out :) . I did take a slightly different route to planned, and had a wibble am i lost moment, but back on track and we were still first to arrive. The graves have nothing gravish about them, and it was a name added to explain the appearance before archaeology took off. Really they are prehistoric flint mines, where they are backfilled with rubble from the next mine. You can go down the shaft of one, adn there is an interesting museum. We had prewatched some programmes on flint knapping, and prehistoric Britain, and grimes graves featured in these. There was an archaeologist on site who took the children through some of the finds of flint arrow heads etc.
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After we had visited the mine we had a picnic and then the kids did lots of playing in the sunshine whilst the larks sang overhead. Perfect.
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There was some bunnying about as kfish was looking to create a photo tableau for Easter ;) and then we went on to Brandon country park and more playing, but my camera was out of charge. G and I had a good old natter and catch up.
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home for birthday cake for lucky me

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friday - A local home educator makes glass art and jewellery professionally, and puts on intermittant masterclasses. SH and the girls found the manorborns there too, so always nice to meet up with friends :) . The girls really loved this and got really creative, and stayed some while beyond the original end of the class. J [the lady teaching] will fire all the pieces and we will get them in the future. FrB has made a fab piece that I am fairly sure will be a present for one of her family, so am not planning to put the pic of that on here and spoil the surprise!
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the weekend -whilst i was working the weekend, DH took the girls to the en famille meet up. it was well attended and they enjoyed getting up and talking about the exchange. It is also good that there looks like lots of exchanges happening next year, as I think it is a fantastic opportunity. SB would like to exchange again to Spain, not sure if we can really afford it, or if I can bear to let her go! I am, however, very thankful to en famille for the opportunity she has had this time!
en famille open day en famille open day
The rest of the weekend was made up of some home ed type stuff, some gardening - our veg are springing up :) and some piano lessons :)
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