FrB and
SB are settling into their home ed regime, and there is a bit of
competitiveness there! BB is a bit derailed in hers, as I have been
spending my evenings with 1:1 time for her, and now it is shared about.
However, they are all still enjoying the history journal idea, and SB
and FrB also have a science experiment journal - calling it a journal
seems to up the completion :) . FrB is struggling a bit with her daily
diary. I think she is trying to write too much in it. I will get her to
bring on hols with us, and will work out how we can make it work for
her. we did say just do interesting things, but she has found a lot
interesting - which is lovely.
Monday: a home ed
work day, some shopping in town - ballet shop closing, and charity
shopping nets the girls some clothes, bags, nail varnish - the
essentials in a teenager life! Ballet class in the eve. pizzeria
Tuesday : home ed books in the morning, chemistry in the afternoon
weds : a bit of work in the morning, geocaching in the afternoon, judo in the evening
thursday: opticians, multisports in the afternoon, cubs and guides in the evening
DH'd dad was in hospital the early part of the week, tho he is home
now. It did mean we had Nannie staying with us though
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